Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Video Playlist

The number line has both positive and negative numbers. Mathematicians use the number line as a geometrical model. It is an excellent way to visualize integers, decimals, fractions and measurements!

I have included a few videos for you to view. The videos are entertaining and educational. After viewing the video, students will be expected to do the following:

1. Create your own numberline with both positive and negative numbers.
2. Write an equation and show your work on the number line. (Review video 4 for an example)
3. Create a word problem where you would start or end up with a negative number. (If you view one of my favorite videos "The Number Line Dance" you will find an example of how a boy starts off with a negative number. This video should give you some ideas for creating a word or story problem.)

By the way, Ms. T does not have a black eye, the lighting was not that great when I downloaded my video. Either way, stay positve or negative, depending on your day!
Keep focused on the number line!

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