Thursday, December 9, 2010

Assistive Technology

IPOD's can be a valuable resource for the special education teacher. It can be used to enhance communication between parents, teachers and students. I provided a link of a You Tube video with teachers explaining how they use the IPOD's in their classrooms. It becomes a simple way to replace the mundane writing of procedures. It allows parents to view what the teacher is teaching in terms of vocabulary, sign language, and comprehension.

A video profile is an innovative idea that could show how a student, who does not complete a lot of worksheets, is still successful in the classroom.

I would use this technology in my own classroom if I had a student struggling with a concept or if they had a learning disability. The parents and I can utilize this tool as a communication device. Many students have IPOD's . It would be an engaging way to conduct a small group science experiment while incorporating their technology.

View the video to grasp the idea of using IPOD's in the classroom, particularly for students with disabilities.

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